Credit Options and Information

Our Mt. Adams Field Ecology, Mt. Hood Field Ecology, and Sustainable Agriculture 2 week courses can be completed for high school science credit, college credit, and service credit. Please find more information below about this process.

High School Credit:

Cascade Mountain School is not yet accredited. Therefore, we’ve partnered with Trout Lake School District to develop a curriculum for our Mt. Adams Field Ecology, Mt. Hood Field Ecology, and Sustainable Agriculture courses that meet Oregon, Washington, and federal science standards. Cascade Mountain School students who fully participate and complete their coursework to a satisfactory level will walk away with a certificate of course completion from the Trout Lake School District. This certificate can be brought to student’s high school administrator for a semester of high school science credit. We’ve had success with many school districts using this system. For best results, we recommend students get approval of the course from their home school before attending Cascade Mountain School.

College Credit:

Students can also receive 4 credits of college credit through the College Now program of the Columbia Gorge Community College. To receive college credit, students must enroll in the Columbia Gorge Community College and register for either ESR 140 (Sustainable Agriculture) or for ESR 171 (Mt. Hood and Mt. Adams Field Ecology) on the college’s website and pay a small fee of $44.50 for the class.

Service Credit:

20 hours of service credit are available for our two week camps. 8 hours of service credit are available for our one week camps. Program Director, Emily Goodwin, can fill out any school service forms students need.