Current Partners and Supporters

Current Funding Partners:

Keith Campbell Foundation for the Environment

The Wheeler Foundation

The Rose E. Tucker Trust

The Mountaineers Foundation

The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

Gorge Soup

The Hood River Rotary Club

Gorge Community Foundation, Alpinees Outdoor Education Fund

Lazar Foundation

Reese Family Foundation

Wilburforce Foundation

Coca-Cola Foundation

Hood River UPS Store

Current Partners:

Mt. Adams Institute

Trout Lake School District

Gorge Grown Food Network

Gorge Owned Business Network

Broadfork Farms

Trout Lake Abbey

Sunnybrook Farms

Trout Lake Farm

US Forest Service

Yakama Nation Fisheries

Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs

Underwood Conservation District

Farmers Conservation Alliance

Hood River Community Education

Columbia Gorge Community College

Columbia Land Trust

Friends of the Columbia River Gorge

Columbia Riverkeeper

Wet Planet Rafting

All Adventures Rafting

Cascadia Adventure Education School