Mt. Hood Science Camp 2012

My teenager is shy and is worried about making new friends. What will the other students be like? How will I know if s/he will fit in?

Every year we get students who are worried about making new friends and fitting into a new group of people. What’s great about CMS programs is that everyone is new; no one knows each other ahead of time. Students come from all over the country and from different schools. Being nervous is normal for a residential program like this, but the jitters go away after the first day. CMS facilitates an environment of inclusion and cohesion, and we’ve heard time and time again about the amazing new friendships formed during the program.

Will my child be safe? You are doing so many activities and traveling in the backcountry.

At CMS safety is our number one priority. All of our staff have completed trainings in safe driving, wilderness medicine, and risk management to offer the safest programs possible. Waivers for specific activities will be given to parents and guardians before the program starts and must be completed for your student to participate. Medical information will also be required as part of the registration materials, so CMS will be up to date on allergies, medications, and other considerations.

I don’t have any of the gear listed on the gear list. My child wears cotton sweatshirts and jeans while hiking. What can I do?

Please let CMS know if you need additional clothing or camping gear. We can easily track down whatever you are missing. Please don’t let gear stop your child from participating.

My child doesn’t have very much outdoor experience. Should I worry about whether or not s/he will be able to keep up with the group during the hiking and biking activities?

Students from all different backgrounds attend CMS programs. There is no prior outdoor experience necessary, and the trips are planned to accommodate a variety of skill levels from beginner to advanced. We will keep your child safe, while also pushing them to exceed what they think they’re capable of.

The cost of the program is outside my family’s budget. Is there any opportunity for scholarship funds?

In 2013 and 2014, we were able to offer close to 40% of participants partial or full scholarship to attend. In 2015, we are waiting to hear back from funders to see if we can offer this service again. We hope so!

How can my child receive high school, college, and service credit for the 2 week courses?

Cascade Mountain School is not yet accredited. Therefore, we’ve partnered with Trout Lake School District to develop a curriculum for our Mt. Adams Field Ecology, Mt. Hood Field Ecology, and Sustainable Agriculture courses that meet Oregon, Washington, and federal science standards. Cascade Mountain School students who fully participate and complete their coursework to a satisfactory level will walk away with a certificate of course completion from the Trout Lake School District. This certificate can be brought to student’s high school administrator for a semester of high school science credit. We’ve had success with many school districts using this system. For best results, we recommend students get approval of the course from their home school before attending Cascade Mountain School.

Students can also receive 4 credits of college credit through the College Now program of the Columbia Gorge Community College. To receive college credit, students must sign-up for ESR 140 on the college’s website and pay a small fee of $44.50 for the class.

18-20 hours of service hours are incorporated into our courses. Cascade Mountain School can fill out service hour sheets for students.